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Thankyou letter from UNION GOSPEL MISSION.



Kim from WASO - Manitoba

This letter is to thank you for your generous donation of adult aprons for our programs. I have
included a picture of one of our participants with an apron. We greatly appreciate donations
from the community that help us in our work. Thank you again for your generosity.


- The work your group is doing is very meaningful and practical to women. To receive a
homemade gift is very special and women appreciate it very much. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!

The blankets you made are so beautiful. We were all ooing and ahhing
over them! (Thank you for your generosity and kindness. It really means the world to
the women in our program.

Tammy from The Mothering Project - Manitoba

- Buenos Dias amiga, this morning a lady Maria from the non-profit organization that
gives the blankets to new moms living in poverty came by the apartment to pick up the
donations. She is so grateful and loved everything. From Maria “God bless you for all you
sent us. We had run out of blankets and yours saved us …. Thank you.

Keltie and Maria -Guatemala

- We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the amazing bibs you delivered within a day of
chatting with you.  We are so thankful that you chose us to bless with your sewing gifts. 
It is obvious that each bib was stitched with utmost love and prayers of blessings. 
Debbie from Child & Family Services – Foster Care - Manitoba

- Wanting to take a moment to extend our appreciation and THANKS for your ongoing
donations of prayer shawls, bibs, and blankets to our tiny patients here in NICU! We
know that our babies and their families love these items – so thank you very much!

The NICU Team - Manitoba

- You do such amazing work! We love your blankets and the moms and babies we give
them to love them even more. Thank you for your kind generosity and for serving with
us this way. We are so grateful to you all. Blessings!

Sharon from Crisis Pregnancy Centre - Manitoba

- Oh my goodness! You are all amazing. Your receiving blankets and bibs are the
best! Thank you so much for all your creative work and your generosity. Our clients are
so happy to receive these and we are so happy to pass them along. Thank you for loving
us and our clients. Many blessings to you all.

Rhonda from Thrive Community Support Circle - Manitoba

- We write to specially acknowledge receipt of your benevolence via fifty pieces of
Blankets in support of our 2019 State Evangelism Outreach/Charity visit. The Rivers
State Council of the Boys’ Brigade, Nigeria is appreciative of your support and love as
expressed. Be rest assured that your kind donation served its purpose. May God bless
and replenish your source. Accept our best regards.

Chukwudi - Nigeria


Rene from Willow Place Shelter - Manitoba
It is such a pleasure to be writing to you today to express our most sincere gratitude for your
recent donation to the shelter program at Willow Place. The lovely, handmade collection of
pillow quilts, scarves, bibs, hats, bags, and crocheted animals are beautiful, and it will be
delightful to share these items with the women and children staying in the shelter. We can
certainly appreciate the artistry and time that is dedicated to such a craft, and we know the
items will help provide comfort to those receiving them. Your thoughtfulness, time, and energy
you commit to supporting women and children experiencing family violence is appreciated. We
are so grateful to have caring community members like you who do so much for others.

Rene – Family of Dementia Patient - Manitoba
The blanket is beautifully made, and I appreciated it so much.

Becca from IKWE Safe Rides– Manitoba
This is amazing! We appreciate this so much and are so honoured your group chose to help us
with our project. Thank you so much!!!! Your donation made all the difference! Without it, we
would have had to purchase stockings. Instead, we could guy more gifts to put in them.
Your groups time, fabric and skill are greatly appreciated. We are a small group that does a lot
with very little. These stockings make a big difference!

Ally from CancerCare Manitoba – Breast & Gyne Cancer Centre of Hope – Manitoba
Thank you so, so much for the headwear, we so appreciate that we can give them to our
patients. And we know they love them too!

Debra from Manitoba Animal Alliance - Manitoba

We received all of the doggie beds and we just wanted to say thank you very, very much to
your whole team for putting this together for us. We even use some in kennels overnight when
we're doing our big dog extractions. Quite cozy for those little puppies they just love it they just
crawl up and go to sleep. The team that we were working with love them so much that they
asked if they could have a few for their transport from Norway House to Toronto and we said
yes so we did give them a couple. Your beds are making out really well up there. We use them
for the spay neuter clinics as well we put them in garbage bags to keep them protected and
then the blankets on top so the dogs had something comfortable to lay on while they were still
knocked out.


Joy and Sally from Hull’s Haven Border Collie Rescue - Manitoba
The crate liners were fabulous!! So many different patterns...very creative.  They are fantastic
in every way, clean well, stylish, cozy, and comfortable. Big Shout out to the wonderful ladies of
St. Saviour's Anglican Church Threads of Hope for the beautiful belly bands and dog toys they
made for our fosters. They are very much appreciated.







Jeanette - Australia
I would like to say a HUGE BIG THANK YOU from Australia for everything you are doing for our
wildlife. I became aware of you through a friend that lives in Canada. He shared a post to me
regarding what you are doing, it melts my heart. I live in a town in the Shoalhaven on the East
Coast of New South Wales, we were hit very hard on the coast and so much wildlife either
perished or were very badly hurt and a lot of little ones were orphaned. Sorry for going on but
what you all are doing is incredible, it’s heartwarming to know we have the help and love from
other parts of the world.

Janet from Days for Girls - Manitoba
Last Saturday, I had the honour of working with the

St. Saviour's group (Winnipeg) and sharing the story

of Days for Girls before working together on

drawstring bags and liners.  

Grateful for all that was accomplished that day.

Carolina, Randy, Ignacio - Mexico
WOW!  Where to begin...  The dresses, made with LOVE, are absolutely beautiful!  They will be appreciated by the less fortunate, who come from families of all types.

I want to say thank you for the beautiful dresses.

These girls were so happy. Most of them come

from families that cannot afford to buy a new dress.

I want to thank all people that participated in

making an effort to make this donation to happen.

You warm our hearts, and we will spread the good
news of your many kindnesses.  

With Deepest Gratitude, GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

- Thank you so much for generously making and donating fabric face masks. We are so
grateful for your support of Knowles Centre during this pandemic. Your donation has
allowed Knowles Centre to keep our youth and staff safe and healthy during the COVID-
19 crisis. It’s very humbling when kind and caring community members like you help to
support the youth we serve and making a difference in their lives.

G Sabourin, Knowles Centre

- Thank you so much for the beautiful masks you sent to us. What a gift! For the people
who come to us for lunch this was a God send. They are not able to afford masks and
social distancing is not an option for many of them. Masks give them some sense of
safety and the capacity to protect one another. We are grateful for your support.
Thank you for loving your neighbours from a distance.

L Trono, West Broadway Community Services Inc.

- We are so appreciative of the very generous donation of homemade facemasks. The
facemasks came at a perfect time and provide reassurance to both our volunteers and
clients during this pandemic. The sewing skills and beautiful selections of fabrics are
remarkable, and the volunteers are grateful to be receiving them.

R. Gardner, Meals on Wheels

- Thank you very much for the masks. Myself and my “old lady” friends are very grateful
to yourself and your “Threads of Hope” team. You generousity is greatly appreciated.
God Bless.

E. Matheson

- Thank you for the donation of masks for our families to use. It is much appreciated.
Ronald McDonald House

- Thank you so much for your donation of masks to the Military Community. The masks
will help greatly in keeping everyone safer.

The Winnipeg MFRC

Debbie from Child & Family Services – Foster Care - Manitoba
Our office just exploded with the colorful crafted bags for kids coming into care!  Such
craftsmanship, talent and heart all coming together.  Each recipient will be proud to own one of
Threads of Hope’s finely crafted works.  These are far, far better than garbage bags!  And can be
used over and over again.  Such unique fabric and such joyful, hopeful colors!  You have created
such a meaningful way of telling our children that they matter. Staff are so impressed!!! 

Everyone in Selkirk Onashiwin Aboriginal Head Start Program - Manitoba 
Thank you for your generous donation of hats, mitts, neck warmers and bibs.  The families were









Kelly from Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre
Speech-Language Pathology Team
Thank you very much for making all our Moe the Mouse Kits. We are so grateful you agreed to
take on our project. We know the students in our schools are going to love learning with Moe.

SURGICAL CAPS – Some of the Hospital Responses
- On behalf of the Grace Hospital, please let me express our most sincere thanks for the
truly stunning handmade surgical caps for our staff. Their quality is exceptional. It is
validating that you would take the time to send us your kind thoughts and gratitude.
We all sincerely appreciate the sentiment. And the poem is simply outstanding, and I
would also say, moving. To all the sewers, and in fact all congregants of St. Saviour’s
Anglican Church, I say thank you. You have touched our hearts. We wish you and yours
health and happiness.


The love & support that I felt at that moment, seeing the addition of treats and then
reading the poem – well it is hard to type with tears in your eyes. The road has been
long,  not just with Covid but the latest events in the world.  The smallest gesture of
kindness can make a difference, and Threads of Hope has done just that. Once again,
please let me express my gratitude to your organization for the kind thoughts and
donation of hand sewn surgical caps.  The staff at the Northern Health Region will wear
them with pride. God Bless.



Sharon's Email Re Guatemala April 22
Hi Cindy, 
Firstly, thanks for those gorgeous blankets for our centre!! You must have started sewing the day
after I mentioned it. Great timing too, cause I have a group in on Monday making layettes. They will
be so happy to have new gifts!!!
Back to Guatemala…
This is the direct response from the orphanage. Can you do any of those items? And I’m sure your
clothing ideas would also be welcome.
“girls & boys underwear (sizes 0-7 years old), sun hats, Toddler self feeding bibs, baby spit bibs.
Right now we have a teen mother with us - it seems like she might be with us for a while. A few
clothing items for her (she is 13), and underwear for her would be a nice gift.
Let me know what you can make and then our team can gather what you can’t make.
I’m going to try to attach a photo of a group of the kids I just saw on Facebook so you can get an
idea of their age/size. 
I’m not sure how many kids are there total. I’m gonna ask. 
Thank you!!!


2018-10 Dresses - Children 3 - Mexico.jpg
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